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MYIDEA is a multi-role communication and engagement center where every employee has a voice, a choice, and a chance to make things better. This combination retires the reactive suggestion box that was void of transparency, accountability, and participation. It replaces it with a proactive originator process for rapid, accurate and measurable results.

MYIDEA establishes a seamless communication network and continuous feedback loop that preserves the integrity and security of ideas from start to finish.Behind the scenes, it is a sophisticated database system that minimizes installation time and simplifies data entry.


Our logo represents two hands working together where the left hand knows what the right hand is doing and why. 


Table of Contents
To Promote, Protect, and Preserve Your Ideas

There I was, cleaning at a health care facility when I began to hear voices. I turned to find our administrator with his managers, congratulating me for being chosen ‘Employee of the Year.’ I was using a cover to observe Normalization of Deviance first hand and ended up with proof that even a janitor can make a big difference when practicing the principles of MYIDEA.

Normalization of Deviance is best described as status quo on steroids where an unacceptable practice or standard becomes acceptable. It evolves naturally over time where individuals to whole teams accept a problem as the norm. Since the risk to performance may be significant, every employee must be empowered to challenge and change what is wrong or just not working right.

The twelve page (158 signature) endorsement from an entire workforce is proof that everyone from doctors to dishwashers are willing to support and participate in this program. This is the true essence of “teamwork” and applies to any organization regardless of entity or size.

“As I revealed my identity and purpose to coworkers, they quickly realized that everyone needs MYIDEA to promote, protect, and preserve their ideas. If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one is worth a million ideas.” – Bradley Fortin, Founder of MYIDEA.

Would you rather have a fancy brochure or the truth?

A generation ago, we would expect an industry model to last an entire career; whereas today, we can't depend on a business model lasting even a decade. Because we are living in a constant period of transition, change keeps picking up speed. The shelf life of solutions keeps getting shorter because inertia is a powerful force, even more powerful than hope or fear. 

The only conditions management has ever known are changing and changing fast.  Sustainability will depend on leadership who can infuse purpose into action through mechanisms that democratize decision making, improvement and problem solving. People who are networked innovate more regularly, because they have access to different skills, knowledge and experience. When employees are interconnected and interdependent, self-organizing systems emerge that create their own workflow.

“An organization’s ability to learn and translate that learning into action rapidly is the ultimate competitive advantage.” – Jack Welch GE CEO

What's in it for me?

CEO – The MYIDEA system leverages data driven strategies to innovate and capture value from real time information. MYIDEA also helps to identify talent and vital human resources. This facilitates idea ownership that turns imagination into problem solving efficiencies and cost-cutting dollars. Any waste or flawed processes can be quickly eradicated. Your organization will continuously accelerate incoming capital by disrupting competition (e.g. capturing their customers and best employees) making this next fact irrefutable. In the competitive world of business, MYIDEA turns the chess game into a gunfight and the clock is ticking. 

Manager – Helps reduce your work-load allowing more time to pursue the organization’s mission and goals rather than putting out fires and fixing problems. Management maintains command and control over this advanced action and evaluation tool.  MYIDEA keeps innovation and ingenuity at management’s fingertips. It forms a workforce of self-starters with quick reflexes that delivers a finer product and better service. This in turn leads to more profitability, more time, and more opportunities. A variety of choices to customize and compile reports are available and user friendly. 

Front Line – You’re always asked to do more with less. With MYIDEA every employee has the capability of using their skills and experience to build mechanisms that make a job easier and faster. No one learns more about a problem than the front line and this fact alone makes you extremely valuable. MYIDEA drives success through ownership and maintains permanent originator credit. As an open book, open ear, and open mind system, equal opportunities are guaranteed for all.

With Freedom and Fairness for All

The first recorded suggestion program was implemented in 1770 by the British Navy. They realized the need for a process that listened to every individual without fear of reprisal. At that time, the mere mention of an idea that contradicted a captain’s opinion was likely to be punished by hanging. The first physical suggestion box appeared at William Denny & Brothers shipyard in 1880.

In 1892, NCR became the first US Company to implement a company-wide suggestion box. Trust impeded success but with no other option, other companies followed suit. In the 1980s quality control programs proclaimed that workers were smart enough to spot defects in product and to figure out solutions. When the focus of quality shifted from product defects to operator error, employees pushed back to save their jobs and quality was caught in the crossfire.

By 1990, quality programs had retired the suggestion box so all that remained was the open-door policy. The suggestion box had come full circle to pre 1770 British Navy, where once again, the mere mention of an idea that contradicts a captain’s opinion was likely to be punished by hanging. In the end, leadership was left with no alternative but to initiate a team-centered model called brainstorming. Unfortunately, these groups quickly became a breeding ground for dominant personalities, status quo, and self-censorship that limited ingenuity, innovation, and progress. A classic Catch-22. 

In 1997 a voice from the trenches started pioneering the first ‘proactive’ improvement system called MYIDEA. A paper program proved very successful while waiting for society’s familiarity with computers to start an online system in 2006. Several more years were spent in R&D coding MYIDEA with an unwavering conviction that every employee has value and their ideas must have a safe, secure venue to express and pursue them without prejudice. A level playing field with freedom and fairness for all.

 “All the forces in the world are not as powerful as an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo

Subscription and Security

* Standard one, three and five year subscriptions or negotiable performance contracts
* Dedicated servers
* Free upgrades
* Security: SSL w/ 2048 bit encryption and cPHulk

For a closer look at the future, email myidea@mavsg.com. Please use the code word MYIDEA and your name in subject line.